1. Rhinoplasty or Cosmetic Surgery of the Nose

Whether it is a minor refinement or a major change, The surgeon has the experience and surgical skill to perform a rhinoplasty procedure to give you the nose you have always wanted. Nose reshaping or rhinoplasty can remove a bump or increase the nasal profile, narrow the nose and refine the nasal tip. Another possible benefit of rhinoplasty is the correction of breathing problems. Whatever your objectives may be, The surgeon will reshape your nose in proportion to your face to look as natural as possible.

Are you a candidate for rhinoplasty?

You may be a candidate for rhinoplasty surgery if you feel that any of the scenarios listed below apply to you:

  • Your nose appears to be too large or not in proportion for your face.
  • You have a bump on your nasal bridge.
  • The tip of your nose is too large or bulbous.
  • The tip of your nose plunges or droops.
  • Your nostrils are too large or flare excessively.
  • Your nose is off center or crooked.

The surgeon believes the goal of rhinoplasty surgery is create an aesthetically pleasing natural appearing and proportionate nose. The surgeon performs most of his nasal surgery through an INTERNAL approach which involves small incisions inside the nose with no visible scars on the skin. Rhinoplasty surgery can remove the bump on your bridge, narrow your nose, make the tip of the nose smaller, refine the tip of your nose, or adjust the tip projection, resulting in a more pleasing look. If necessary, the nose can be made shorter.

Large or flared nostrils can to be made smaller by removing small wedges of nostril skin through small incisions that are hidden in the natural creases. For extensive reshaping of the nasal tip, an EXTERNAL rhinoplasty approach may be warranted in which a small cut may be made on the columella, which is the strip of tissue that separates the two nostrils.

If you have breathing problems, a septoplasty can be performed to improve your breathing at the same time as the rhinoplasty surgery.

To enhance the overall result of your rhinoplasty surgery and to achieve better proportions, chin surgery may be recommended. This may involve the use of a chin implant or a sliding genioplasty procedure to make your chin more prominent and to balance your face.

If you feel that you would like to enhance or improve the shape, size, proportions and general appearance of your nose, call Wissem surgery to arrange a consultation to discuss your goals and wishes. The surgeon has over a decade of experience in rhinoplasty and rebuilding noses in cleft palate children, with that type of experience, you can be assured that you are in good hands with your nasal surgery.

2. Eyelid Lifts (Blepharoplasty)

Blepharoplasty, also referred to as eyelid surgery or surgery of the eyelids, is a plastic surgery procedure able to provide a more youthful, refreshed appearance to the eye area by correcting droopy eyelids and puffy, under eye bags. The procedure involves the removal of excess fat, muscle and skin from the upper and lower eyelids. Good candidates include men and women who are looking to improve puffy under eye bags or drooping upper eyelids.

Blepharoplasty, or cosmetic eyelid surgery, remains one of the most requested aesthetic facial procedures. Both heredity and aging can influence the appearance of the eyelid area. The upper lid begins to show evidence of aging almost before any other facial feature. The lower eyelid follows with the development of bags and skin draping. Some patients exhibit hereditary bags under the eyes, and while not a result of aging, can begin in the early twenties.

Because there is little room for error in blepharoplasty, both careful preoperative physical analysis and meticulous surgical execution are imperative for a successful outcome. In general, however, the benefits are much greater than the risks for these procedures. Both the surgeon and the patient universally find the results rewarding.

As in all aesthetic surgery, each surgeon brings to the consultation and then to the operating room an artistic goal as to how the final result of blepharoplasty should appear. The surgeon has certain goals that he tries to achieve in blepharoplasty surgery. These are:

1) Minimal scars in the upper and lower lids,

2) Least possible redundant skin,

3) Smoothest transition between cheek bone and lower eyelid,

4) Symmetry of the upper and lower eyelid position,

5) Symmetry of fat position,

6) Durability of the procedure,

7) An overall unoperated appearance,

8) A non-feminizing male upper lid,

9) Rapid and uneventful post-operative course,

10) The absence of complications.


The majority of patients that undergo the blepharoplasty operation do so in their early forties and on.   Patients are many times confused about what exactly a blepharoplasty corrects. Specifically, the upper blepharoplasty corrects the loose upper eyelid skin. The position of the brow is not affected with eyelid surgery. If the patient desires an elevation of the eyebrow, then a browlift maybe necessary. The surgeon will help you decide if this is required. The lower blepharoplasty corrects the fatty bags under the eye and tightens the skin in the lower eyelid.


The surgeon requires that all patients undergoing the blepharoplasty operation have a medical examination and medical clearance before the surgery by their primary care physician. If the patient suffers from any eye disease, then the patient's ophthalmologist must clear the patient prior to surgery.

All aspirin, anti-inflammatory products (naproxen, ibuprofen), and vitamins such as A, ginko biloba, and St. John's wart should be discontinued ten days before surgery because they may interfere with  blood clotting and cause bruising. Alcohol should also be avoided for five days before surgery to avoid swelling. 

The surgeon starts patients on high dose vitamin C two weeks before and two weeks after to help with the healing and to reduce bruising.

The surgeon performs the blepharoplasty operation with IV sedation. If the blepharoplasty surgery is being combined with a facelift procedure, then general anesthesia may used The surgeon will help you decide which option is best for you.

Because a blepharoplasty procedure is chosen in order to enhance one's appearance, unsightly scars are not acceptable. Therefore, The surgeon will do everything possible to hide the resulting incision lines around the natural creases in the upper and lower eyelid. The surgeon performs an individualized blepharoplasty operation for each patient.

The upper blepharoplasty consists of an excision of skin and a small amount of fat. There is more variability in the lower eyelid procedure. The surgeon performs the lower eyelid surgery with either of two approaches, depending on the patient. They are named approaches because they are simply a method used to access the fat underneath the eye.

One is the transconjunctival approach, where the fat is removed via a small incision made in the inside lining of the eye. The other is the subciliary approach, where the fat is removed by making a tiny incision just underneath the eyelashes. This incision becomes  invisible once it heals.

The surgery can take about one and a half hours if the upper and lower blepharoplasty are being performed.  The patient should have a caretaker with them for about two days after surgery.  This person does not need to be a medical professional and can be a family member or friend. This person will help with feeding, ambulating, and other chores. If the patient wishes,' The surgeon ‘s office can help coordinate a home service to help you with these activities.


The night of the surgery should be spent relaxed. Activity should be kept to a minimum. A liquid diet is best for the first eighteen hours after anesthesia. The head should be kept elevated using two pillows to help reduce swelling. The surgeon recommends placing small zip lock bags with frozen peas on the eyes 10 minutes, for every hour spent awake for the first 48 hours.

The blepharoplasty operation is not painful. Tylenol is usually enough to control any minor discomfort. The surgeon will provide you with additional pain medication, in the event that you need it. Any significant pain should be reported to The surgeon immediately, as this may signal bleeding under the skin. This is extremely rare, but possible. There may be some mild bruising visible around the eyes.

On the fourth post-operative day, the tiny sutures are removed. The surgeon places these sutures in such a way that they easily slipped out without any discomfort. Patients can usually shower and wash face after this visit.

About seventy percent of the swelling resolves in the first two weeks. Only the patient is aware that the eyes are somewhat swollen. It is not noticeable to the average person. Hence, the patient can resume most of the daily activities. It is recommended that physical activity, such as running or lifting be resumed only after the fourth week. The remainder of the swelling can take up to three months to completely resolve.

The final results of the surgery may not be completely evident until several months after the surgery. The results of the blepharoplasty operation usually turn back the clock approximately ten years. Most patients who undergo blepharoplasty surgery are extremely happy with the results.

What is blepharoplasty?

Blepharoplasty is a plastic surgery procedure more commonly known as eyelid surgery or surgery of the eyelids. It can correct droopy eyelids and puffy, undereye bags that can make a person appear older and tired. During the procedure, excess fat, muscle and skin are removed from the upper and lower lids, resulting in a younger, firmer eye area and a more refreshed appearance.

Are there any limitations to what blepharoplasty can achieve?
Blepharoplasty cannot fix a sagging eyebrow or dark circles or fine lines and wrinkles around the eyes. Other procedures may be better able to address these problems.

Who is the best candidate for blepharoplasty?
Men and women who are looking to improve drooping upper eyelids or puffy undereye bags may be good candidates for blepharoplasty. As with most types of plastic surgery, patients should have realistic expectations and be physically healthy.

What happens during a consultation for blepharoplasty?
During a consultation for blepharoplasty, the surgeon will conduct an examination and take your medical history. He or she will discuss your goals and the options available to you. The surgeon will explain the surgical technique, the type of anesthesia, the surgical facility, the risks and the costs. Additional surgery, such as a forehead lift or skin resurfacing, may be recommended at this time to help you achieve your desired look.

3. Facelift

Facial Rejuvenation: Facial Rejuvenation / Facelift

As people age, the effects of gravity, sun exposure and the stresses of daily life can be seen in their faces. The results of facial aging are deep facial creases and folds, jowls, loose skin and fat around the jaw line and neck. While one can't stop the aging process, the surgeon can perform a two-plane facelift to turn back the clock. By lifting the skin and the deeper tissues in the appropriate vectors, the face and neck can be restored to a more youthful appearance, erasing years from the face without an "over pulled" or tight look.

Although having a facelift won't give you an entirely different look, it can make you look refreshed, younger and enhance your self-confidence. You may not want to undergo a full facelift procedure and in fact, you may not need one. the surgeon will discuss your options based upon your situation and individual needs. A mini-facelift or suture suspension neck lift may be the answer for you.

Neck Lifts - Suture Suspension Neck Lift (New Procedure)

Signs of early aging are saggy skin and fat underneath the chin. This is often called the "turkey gobbler" look. Instead of a traditional neck lift with long scars, the surgeon performs a simpler procedure called Suture Suspension Neck Lift that tightens the skin and muscles of the neck and removes excess fat. This one hour procedure is performed through small hidden incisions behind the ears and chin. Call the surgeon for an appointment to see if this procedure is right for you.

4. Cheek Augmentation

Small cheekbones may upset the balance of one's face. To restore the facial proportions, cheek augmentation may be performed using implants inserted through small incisions in the mouth. This procedure may be performed alone or in conjunction with a facelift. Over the last few years, The surgeon has noticed that hollowing of the cheeks below the cheekbones is becoming an increasing cosmetic concern. This condition can make an individual appear tired, older and unwell. The hollowing of the cheeks can be corrected with submalar augmentation using customized implants. Both cheek and submalar implants can restore a more youthful appearance, enhance your facial features and give you a healthier look.

5.Chin implant

What is mentoplasty?

Mentoplasty, also known as surgery of the chin or chin augmentation, is a plastic surgery procedure able to improve the appearance of a receding or overly prominent chin, creating better harmony of the facial features. During the procedure, a receding chin may be improved with the insertion of an implant or by moving the bone forwards, while too prominent of a chin may be reduced.

Other possibilities through chin surgery may include submental liposuction to remove excess fatty tissue from the chin or neckline, and surgery of the jaw to improve the form and function of the lower face when dental malocclusions or birth defects in the jaw structure are present. Mentoplasty is often performed along with other procedures, such as rhinoplasty.

What is the implant made of for mentoplasty?

When a receding chin needs to be built up, a facial implant may be used. Facial implants can be made of a variety of materials including Gore-Tex, Merselene mesh, solid silicone, and other materials.

Who is the best candidate for mentoplasty?

Good candidates for mentoplasty include physically healthy men and women are looking to improve the appearance of the chin or jaw area. As with any type of plastic surgery, patients must also have realistic expectations.

What happens during a consultation for mentoplasty?

During a consultation for mentoplasty, the surgeon will examine the chin and jaw and take a thorough medical history. He or she will discuss your goals and the options available to you through surgery. The surgeon will explain the procedure, the indicated technique, the anesthesia, the surgical facility, the risks and the costs.

Where is mentoplasty performed?

Mentoplasty may be performed in a surgeon's office-based facility, or a hospital or an outpatient surgery center.

What type of anesthesia is used for mentoplasty?

Mentoplasty is often performed with a combination of local anesthesia and sedation, though general anesthesia is also an option.

How is the actual mentoplasty procedure performed?

To build up a receding chin with the use of an implant, an incision is typically made in the natural crease line just beneath the chin or inside of the mouth where the lower lip and gum meet. Once the incision is made, the tissue will be gently stretched in order to create a pocket into which the implant is then inserted. The incision is then closed with very fine sutures.

To reduce an overly prominent chin, an incision is made either under the chin or inside of the mouth and the bone is then sculpted to the desired size and shape.

How long does the actual mentoplasty procedure last?

The surgical time for mentoplasty will depend upon the extent of the work. Generally speaking, mentoplasty can take anywhere from under an hour to about three hours to complete.

Where are the incisions made for mentoplasty?

The incision for mentoplasty is typically made just under the chin within a natural crease or inside of the mouth where the lower lip and gum meet.

Are there scars after mentoplasty?

When the incision for mentoplasty is made inside of the mouth, there is no visible scarring. Incisions made just under the chin will result in a small scar though it tends to be well-concealed and will further fade with time.

Is there much pain with mentoplasty?

After mentoplasty, patients typically experience some tenderness which can be controlled with prescription pain medication.

What is the recovery like after mentoplasty?

It's common for patients to experience some tenderness after mentoplasty which can be controlled with prescription pain medication. Patients may also experience a stretched, tight sensation which typically subsides within a week. Immediately after surgery, chewing may be limited and following a liquid and soft food diet may be necessary during the first few days. Swelling and bruising is also likely to occur, with the majority of swelling fading within six weeks. Dressings are typically removed within two to three days after surgery.

How soon will I be able to return to work after undergoing mentoplasty?

Patients are typically able to return to work and other normal activities within about ten days after surgery.

When can I exercise after undergoing mentoplasty?

Patients will need to avoid strenuous activities for the first few weeks after surgery. In addition, activities which can bump or jar the face should be avoided for about six weeks.

When are the stitches removed after the mentoplasty procedure?

The stitches are usually removed or dissolve on their own within about five to seven days after mentoplasty.

What are the risks or complications associated with mentoplasty?

The potential complications associated with mentoplasty may include adverse anesthesia reactions, capsular contracture, implant shifting, infection, unnatural shape, and the need for additional surgery.

6. Otoplasty

Cosmetic Surgery of the Ear or Otoplasty - Reshaping and Repositioning

If your ears protrude excessively out from the side of your head (prominent ears), then otoplasty or ear surgery can bring the ears closer to your head and in a more normal position. Ear cartilage can also be reshaped to give a normal shape to your ear. By bringing your ears closer to your side of your head and reshaping your ear cartilage, the surgeon will adjust your ears into the normal natural position. The surgeon performs these procedures in adults and children as young as 5 years of age. Otoplasty is a safe and short procedure. The surgeon recommends that the ear correction be performed as early as possible to reduce the teasing that a child may experience.

In The surgeon's Tunisia practices, many patients undergoing Otoplasty surgery are adult patients that did not have the opportunity to have otoplasty surgery as a child. The majority of his adult patients are extremely pleased to have finally achieved the normal ear shape and position they have always desired.

The surgeon's Technical Approach for Otoplasty Surgery

For more than a decade, The surgeon has been using an otoplasty technique that gives natural and long lasting results.

Your cosmetic surgery is performed at the hospital on an outpatient basis. You arrive at the hospital 1 hour before the surgery. During the surgery, you will be made comfortable by the anesthesia doctor using twilight sedation or general anesthesia. The procedure takes about 1 to 1 ½ hours.

The cut or incision is made behind your ear so that after healing, the incision is not normally visible. Your ear cartilage will be reshaped to give it the normal curve and contour that is often missing. Your ear will then be set back or placed in the correct position at the side of your head.

If one ear seems to protrude more than the other ear, adjustments will be made to make it as even as possible. After both ears are repositioned, the incisions are closed and a dressing is applied to both ears. After the surgery, you will stay in the Recovery Room for a period of time before being allowed to return home with a family member, friend or caregiver.

After the surgery, you will be instructed to keep your head elevated to decrease the swelling and pain. Pain relief medication, if needed, is usually taken for 1 to 3 days. You are allowed only light activity until your first scheduled visit to see The surgeon approximately 5 days after your Otoplasty surgery.

At that time your dressing will be removed. Your new ear profile and position will be immediately seen. There will be some bruising and swelling that will resolve over the next 1 to 3 weeks. At this time, you will have to wear a sweatband or sports band to keep the ears in the set back position for 1 additional week. After that, you are encouraged to wear the sweat band at home, at night and during sporting activities for an additional month.

Your Otoplasty Surgery

If you wish to improve the shape and position of your ears, call for a complimentary consultation with The surgeon . During your personal consultation, The surgeon will discuss with you the role of cosmetic surgery of the ear or otoplasty in helping you achieve your goal of a normally positioned and shaped ear.

7. Hair Transplant

Hair Transplant - Restoration

Almost all males experience some form of hair loss in their lifetime. There are many reasons for this including aging, family history, as well as burns or trauma. Even women can experience hair loss, not just through traumatic events, but also naturally. In fact, one in five women will experience some degree of hair loss. Some individuals experiencing hair loss choose to wear a wig, or hair extensions to cover their baldness. Then there are those who use pills, and formulas to improve their appearance. Cosmetic surgery provides a solution for those looking for a more natural result.

Advancements in cosmetic surgery have allowed men and women to regain the appearance of a full head of hair. Not only do these hair restoration procedures help individuals to regain a sense of youthfulness, it can also help boost their confidence. Hair transplants is among the more popular of these cosmetic hair restoration procedures. One important feature about this particular procedure is that it uses your existing hair. However when considering a hair transplant, it important to remember there are limits to what can be done with your existing hair and reducing the appearance of baldness.

Benefits of Hair Transplant Surgery

Hair transplants can provide a new, natural-looking head of hair. While hair transplants do not actually add any hair to the head, they can provide the appearance of more hair in balding areas. Hair transplant can help increase one's self-confidence by having the appearance of a full head of hair. For some individuals, knowing that the hair used is their own adds even more sense of satisfaction.

8 .Breast Lift and Breast Reduction

Breast Lift

Over the years, the breast skin loses elasticity and the breasts begin to sag, losing their shape and firmness. Breast lift or mastopexy is a surgical procedure to raise and reshape sagging breasts. If the breasts are small or have lost volume through weight loss or pregnancy, implants may be inserted in conjunction with mastopexy to restore the firmness and size of the breasts.

Breast implants alone will impart or give a 'lifted' look to the breasts so that many women may not require a breast lift. Often, if a woman is willing to have a larger breast size, then the use of larger breast implants will avoid the need for a traditional breast lift and still give the desired result. The use of implants is always desired and preferred to a traditional breast lift to avoid the additional scars associated with a traditional breast lift.

Breast Reduction

Women with large, pendulous breasts may experience back pain, skin irritation, postural problems and even breathing difficulties. Exercise may be difficult. Large breasts can make a woman or a teenage girl feel extremely self-conscious. Breast reduction is a procedure to reduce, lift and reshape the breasts to a smaller, firmer and more proportionate size.

The surgeon is proficient in several breast reduction techniques, including the 'no-vertical scar' method, which has a smaller incision than the traditional technique. Visit our Philadelphia or New Jersey office and ask The surgeon about the suitability of this breast reduction technique for you.

9. Breast Augmentation / Enlargement

Breast augmentation or breast enlargement is a common surgical procedure to enlarge a woman's breasts through the use of breast implants to a more desired size. Many women choose to have breast implant surgery to fulfill their desire for a fuller bustline and more proportionate body.

Breast augmentation or breast enlargement surgery should result in a natural look. The breasts should be soft, move naturally with normal body movements and the incision or scar should be well hidden. The surgeon's objective is to have your surgery safely performed to meet your goals with rapid recovery time. In the surgeon's view, a successful augmentation is one that results in naturally appearing breasts that keeps them guessing.

Meeting your Aesthetic Goals

Your objectives for breast augmentation surgery will be extensively discussed with you during your consultation with . The surgeon's Seizers will be used to assist you in determining your desired size and shape. To give you the result you desire, the surgeon's will use a temporary breast implant seizer during your surgery and trial different volumes to determine the final volume that will meet your goals.

The breast implant seizer is then removed and replaced with the permanent implant with the proper volume that meets your stated wishes. This is all done at the time of your breast augmentation surgery. The breast implant procedure from beginning to end usually takes approximately one hour. With this approach for exact volume determination you can be assured that your final breast shape and size is what you wanted.

The vast majority of women are very happy with their breast augmentation procedure. They have the breast size they have always desired or have the breasts restored to their original appearance and size before pregnancy or weight loss. They feel better and are more confident about their body proportions and are able to wear the clothes they wish. They are no longer self conscious about their breasts.

Breast Augmentation - Information about the Different Types of Breast Implants Available

Breast augmentation or enlargement is achieved through the use of breast implants. The most commonly used breast implants are saline breast implants. The implant is similar to a balloon filled with saline or salt water. Saline breast implants have been used for over 20 years.

There are different types of breast implants and depending on your individual situation and goals, one type of implant may be recommended during your consultation.

Smooth Round Breast Implants

- this is probably the most popular implant as it achieves a full round and lifted look while still appearing natural.

Textured Round Breast Implants

- this is similar to the smooth round implant but with a textured coating. When placing the implant sub glandular or above the muscle, this type of implant may be recommended. Some studies have shown that with the textured coating, there is less chance of capsular contracture or firmness around the implant. This opinion or fact is controversial.

Anatomical or Tear Drop Breast Implant

•  this breast implant is shaped exactly as described - 'tear drop' - having more volume or saline in the lower part of the implant to give a more mature look. This implant may also be recommended in certain situations depending on your individual goals. Anatomical implants are textured.

10.Tummy Tuck / Abdominoplasty

Refining your Silhouette

A flat and well-toned tummy is a goal that many women and men strive for through exercise, diet and weight control. Despite one's best efforts, the goal of a flat and toned tummy is not achieved. There may be loose skin and skin rolls that do not improve, fat deposits on the front and love handles (sides or flanks) that just will not go away despite all your efforts at exercise and diet.

In these situations, a tummy tuck or abdominoplasty may be recommended to achieve your goals. A tummy tuck recontours the abdomen by removing loose skin, stretch marks, fat bulges and repairs the abdominal muscles. This restores the abdomen to a more normal flat contour that is better proportioned to your body type and weight.

Are you a good candidate for Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck)?

You may be a candidate for abdominoplasty / tummy tuck surgery if you feel that any of the scenarios listed below apply to you.

  • You have loose skin or skin rolls from pregnancy.
  • You have loose skin or skin rolls from weight fluctuations or weight loss from dieting or gastric bypass procedures.
  • You have an abdomen that protrudes and is out of proportion to the rest of your body. A protruding abdomen is usually due to areas of fat deposits on the front of the abdomen and love handles (sides) with loose skin. Often, this type of abdomen may be hereditary and does not improve with exercise or dieting.
  • You have had prior surgery that has resulted in excess skin or accumulation of fat. For example, sometimes loose skin may hang over a Caesarean section scar (C-section); this skin can be removed through a tummy tuck procedure.
  • Your abdomen may bulge out and be rounded or convex. This is called erectus muscle separation or diastases and occurs frequently with pregnancy, weight loss or aging. A tummy tuck procedure will repair the muscles, restore the muscle tone and remove the loose skin to give you a flat and well toned abdomen.

Although tummy tucks work best for patients who are near their ideal weight for their body type and size, tummy tucks may also be considered for patients who are planning to start a weight loss or exercise program. In these patients, the excess fat and loose skin may be making it difficult to exercise and a tummy tuck procedure may be an option to remove this excess fat and skin to allow one to allow exercise.

A tummy tuck can be considered in these scenarios as the first step in an exercise and dieting program.

Most patients are thrilled with the results of their body contouring by abdominoplasty. They feel more comfortable in their clothes and more confident about their appearance. To discuss your individual needs and goals for body contouring and for complete answers to your specific questions, call the surgeon today for a personal consultation.

What are the Different Types of Tummy Tucks?

Endoscopic Tummy Tuck

This type of tummy tuck uses a small horizontal cut about 4 inches in length above the pubic hairline, similar to a C section incision. The primary goal is to repair the separated abdominal or rectus muscles. Liposuction of the abdominal skin and flanks can be done at the same time. With the endoscopic tummy tuck, only a very small amount of loose skin can be removed.

Mini Tummy Tuck

If you have a moderate amount of loose skin, then a mini tummy tuck may be indicated. The incision is longer than the endoscopic tummy tuck but shorter than a full tummy tuck. The abdominal muscles are repaired and liposuction of the abdominal skin and flanks are done to achieve the best profile and contour possible.

There may be an additional incision around your belly button although sometimes it may be possible for the Plastic Surgeon to avoid this incision by performing the "floating belly button" technique.

Full Tummy Tuck

Most patients with a significant amount of loose skin, fat and skin rolls require a full tummy tuck to achieve the best result possible. The incision extends from one hip to the other. However, it is made low in the abdomen just above the pubic area and is typically hidden in the underwear or bikini area.

There is also an incision around the belly button and your own belly button is saved and brought through a new opening in the abdominal skin. The abdominal muscles are also repaired. Liposuction of the abdominal skin is performed to thin out the front of the abdomen.

Liposuction of the love handles and flanks are performed to remove the excess fat and to give a better shape and curve to the sides. Loose skin is also removed. Typically all the loose skin between the pubic hairline and the belly button is removed. Any stretch marks in this area are also removed with the skin removal.

Full tummy tuck with Lateral Thigh Lift

In addition to requiring a full tummy tuck, some patients may have a significant amount of loose skin on the sides of their hips. With this condition, the tummy tuck incision may be extended around the sides to remove this loose skin. This procedure is called a Lateral Thigh Lift.

During your consultation, your goals and wishes for a flatter, improved abdominal contour and profile will be discussed. Your personal situation will be assessed and options discussed. The majority of patients will benefit from a well performed full tummy tuck procedure.

The Tummy Tuck Experience - From the Initial Consultation to the Final Result

What occurs during the Tummy Tuck consultation?

During your consultation, your goals and wishes for a flatter, improved abdominal contour and profile will be discussed. Your personal situation will be evaluated and your options for the type of tummy tuck will be discussed.

What Preoperative preparation should I expect for Tummy Tuck surgery?

Your general health will be assessed prior to your tummy tuck procedure. Preoperative tests may be ordered before surgery. On the day of surgery, you will arrive about 1 hour before your actual surgery time. Usually, general anesthesia is used to make you comfortable during the surgery. However, depending on the type of Tummy Tuck surgery, spinal or twilight anesthesia may also be an option. The surgery normally takes about 2 hours. You will have a gauze dressing on your abdomen and an abdominal garment called a binder. After a period of time in the recovery room, you will go home to recover. Occasionally, you may stay overnight at the hospital. Specific postoperative instructions will be given to you and an accompanying family member, friend or caregiver.

What should I expect during the Post-Operative period after a Tummy Tuck?

You will be wearing an abdominal binder underneath your clothing to support your abdomen for about 2 weeks. After surgery, there will be 2 drains in the pubic area to prevent fluid accumulation. The drains are removed in about 1 week. When sleeping, several pillows will need to be placed underneath your back to keep your hips at a 45 degree angle. A pillow underneath the knee is also helpful. Patients are encouraged to get up and walk immediately. You may walk bent over for a few days and gradually you will straighten up and walk upright. Most patients take 7 to 10 days off work. Driving is usually resumed in 5 to 7 days. Light exercise in 2 to 3 weeks. Heavy lifting is not allowed for 3 weeks.

My Result after a Tummy Tuck

You will see your new abdominal contour and profile the next day after the surgery. The swelling will continue to resolve and the final result will appear in a few weeks to a few months. Any numbness of the abdominal skin will continue to improve over months and up to 1 year after the surgery. The incision will continue to heal over a year or more. Scar creams will be recommended to improve the final appearance of the scar.

Your new abdominal contour and profile should be permanent as long as your general weight and general fitness are maintained. Future pregnancy may affect the long term result. As your body ages, there may be some loss of the firmness although this is usually minimal. The majority of patients are very happy with the results of the procedure in restoring their abdomen to a flatter and more toned and normal appearance.

11. Liposuction

Liposuction for body contouring involves removing fat from unwanted areas that are resistant to dieting and exercise. The excess fat is often due to heredity or family traits rather than a lack of weight control, fitness and exercise. Removing the excess fat by liposuction improves the shape and contour of your body and slims and restores the proportions of your body.

Liposuction - Are you a good candidate for Liposuction?

You may be a candidate for liposuction surgery if you feel that any of the scenarios listed below apply to you.

  • If you have localized areas of fat deposits located anywhere on your face, neck or body, then you may be a candidate for liposuction. This is especially true for people who do not show improvement in these areas even with exercise or dieting. You should be near your ideal weight for body shape and size although this is not necessarily a prerequisite. Some patients who are embarking on a program of exercise and dieting may be appropriate candidates for liposuction.
  • Areas of fat deposits that respond well to liposuction include the 'love handles' or flanks (front and back), hips or saddle bag area, abdomen and waist area, outer and inner thighs, knees, buttocks and the chest area in men (including gynecomastia). If you have excess fat in any of these areas, then you are a good candidate for liposuction.
  • You feel that your body is not in proportion. Some people have a larger frame in their lower body and thighs in comparison to their upper body. Often this disproportionality is due to heredity or an inherited trait. You may have difficulty being comfortable in certain clothing. If this is your situation, you may be a candidate for liposuction.
  • If you have good skin tone. Having firm elastic skin will make you a better candidate for liposuction. If you have loose skin, then other plastic surgery procedures may be recommended. Liposuction does not correct cellulite or dimpling of the skin that often appears on the thighs, hips and buttocks.

Goals of Liposuction

The goal of liposuction is to sculpt, slim and shape your body contours to improve your proportions. After liposuction surgery, most people feel better about themselves and are more confident about their appearance.

Result after Liposuction

Your improved contour and shape will continue to improve over weeks and months as you wear the compression garment and begin to exercise. It is important to continue to maintain fitness and a healthy diet. Weight gain can alter an otherwise good result. Otherwise, as you continue with your exercise and weight control, your improved body contour will reflect the healthy and active life you lead.

12 . Botox

Botox, or botulinum toxin, is a sterile, purified protein that is produced in the laboratory from the bacteria Clostridium botulinum. Botox can be administered by injection to temporarily improve or reduce the appearance of wrinkles or creases. It is commonly used to treat prominent forehead creases, brow furrows and crow's feet. Botox has also been used to successfully treat migraine headaches, excessive sweating and muscle spasm in the neck and eyes.

How does it work?

When injected into the muscles responsible for wrinkles and creases, Botox temporarily weakens or paralyzes the muscle. This temporarily reduces or eliminates previous skin creasing and keeps new skin creasing from occurring.

Who is the best candidate for it?

Good candidates for Botox include men and women who are physically healthy, realistic in their expectations, and interested in improving the appearance of forehead creases, brow furrows and crow's feet. Botox may not be appropriate for individuals with certain neuromuscular disorder like ALS, myasthenia gravis or Lambert-Eaton syndrome.

Where is the procedure procedure performed?

It is typically administered in an office setting.

13. Cosmetic Surgery For Men

In today's competitive society, more men are taking care of their appearance by having cosmetic surgery such as:

  • liposuction to remove love handles and for abdominal contouring
  • facelift to improve loose skin folds and jowls
  • suture suspension neck lift to remove the 'turkey gobbler' appearance
  • endoscopic browlift to improve sagging eyebrows
  • eyelid lift to remove excess skin and fat from the eyelids
  • cheek and chin implants to balance the face
  • submalar implants to improve hollowing of the cheeks
  • male breast reduction surgery to remove excess breast tissue & contour the chest
  • nose reshaping (rhinoplasty)
  • prominent ear correction (otoplasty)
In cosmetic surgery for men, the goal is to have a natural look with hidden incisions and rapid recovery. Call the docteur for a complimentary consultation to discuss your individual needs and to receive complete answers to your specific questions on how to achieve a more rested and youthful appearance.